Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ebony & Ivory


Ebony and ivory,
Live together in perfect harmony,
Side by side on my piano keyboard,
Oh, Lord, why don't we?
Lyrics: Paul McCartney 
Sung by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder.
Released March 1982

In Shizuoka 静岡県 I came across some really fascinating tea bushes. In a large field there were hundreds of different tea cultivars. Within that, one small section had some tea bushes with really dark leaves and another section had white / creamish / yellow leaves. In a sea of green it was easy to make out the cream coloured leaves from a distance. Just a few metres away was this patch with really dark leaves which was equally if not more impressive.

Surely they were different cultivars and both were really interesting for me. Unfortunately due to language difficulty I could not ask which variety these two were. Due to confidentiality issues I cannot reveal the exact location where these two grow in perfect harmony.
Just a small thank you to all those who made it possible for me to see Ebony and Ivory.

Images: Two different tea cultivars in Shizuoka, Japan. (May 2013)

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