Saturday, November 19, 2011

Iccho Butterflies

Autumn chill has turned the leaves of this ancient Iccho tree at Eiho-ji (永保寺) yellow, transforming them into a kaleidoscope of million colourful butterflies.


  1. Butterflies, wow, you're so right. What a beautiful tree. The funny thing is since I've always been so scared of caterpillars, butterflies make me squeamish too.

  2. Like the ugly duckling which turned into a beautiful swan look at butterflies and caterpillars in the same light!

    I remember my English literature teacher in my final year at (high) school telling our class that beautiful things can come out of revolting things. We were discussing a short story by some American author. Somehow that lesson has just stuck in my brains. I always remember that, sometimes sadly in hindsight, whenever I see ugly things.

  3. Hang on, I don't think caterpillars are ugly. I think they're SCARY which is a totally different issue!

  4. Point noted! My mistake. Apologies.
